Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mail Call! SweetLeaf and eBay

I got a nice little gift from SweetLeaf Sweetener today. It's a little pocket pack to help carry around 4 stevia sample packets that they included. There's also a 25% off coupon for BuyWisdom, their store with different stevia products and tea (I had no idea there was flavored stevia!). All I had to do to get this was become a fan of their Facebook page. This promotion is over, but fan their page and you'll have a jump on the next promotion.

I also got some coupons that I bought from an eBay seller. We go through a lot of cereal and it would be hard to acquire enough coupons without eBay and coupon clipping services. I paid about $5 for $15 worth of coupons. Now, that is only a $10 savings at first glance. However, when I combine these coupons with a sale, I should be able to save about $60! The coupons are even clipped for me (note that coupons can not be "sold", only the time/effort to get the coupon can be "bought").


  1. Have you tried the flavored stevia, Yodasmith? I saw some today at GreenLife, a local health/organic grocery store.
